Author: RICK RUST This is the stage where we encourage our regular attenders to “commit”.
A member is one who accepted Christ as their Saviour, has been baptized and is now growing in grace. They obviously have become part of the church family. A regular attender, when speaking about the church will say, “This is the church I am going to.” A member will say, “This is my church.” We must have systems in place to help move people from just regularly attending to becoming members. 1. Church Service Times
Again, getting people involved will help them feel connected to the church and also feel like they are part of the church family.
In your Adult Bible Fellowships and from the church pulpit make sure you have opportunities to teach on salvation, baptism, and membership. Teach those that come to your church the blessings of being a part of a spiritual family. Occasionally have someone share a testimony of their salvation and church membership experience. They can express praise and thanks to God for what He has done in their lives.
If you are getting lots of return guests, offer a New Members Class. Many times, this is provided each month and runs for four weeks. Others go 6-8 weeks, and people can jump in anytime they like and go once through the cycle. Others offer the class once per quarter. The pastor could teach this class during the Adult Bible Fellowship time. He would take select individuals out of their regular classes just for this short period. 2. Follow-Up
The priority of this meeting should be to make sure everyone understands or possibly has the opportunity to put their faith and trust in Christ. This is an opportunity for a face to face time, to explain the Adult Classes, Children’s Ministries or new member classes and of course to present the gospel. Sometimes it is impossible, or a person does not want an in-home visit. A visit to a local coffee shop or in the pastor’s office is a good alternative.
RICK RUSTAssistant Director of BCPM ArchivesCategories |