Author: Pastor Jason Stoeber
The building is done! Maybe it’s taken months – maybe it’s taken years, but you are now ready to hold services in the new location! AFTER: Sometimes, we think that the actual building process is the hardest thing to do, and we deceive ourselves into thinking that after it’s done things will go back to ‘normal’. While there are certainly things that are true for the only the construction time – for a new church, there are many things that still have to be taught and delegated for this to be a successful transition. 1. Teach Now is the time to really teach the people what it means to strive for excellence in the presentation and up-keep of the new facility. Many pastors expect the people to just know what to do and how to do it. The wise pastor spends time investing and teaching people the “how’s” and “why’s”: Teach them to take care of the building. Teach them to see things how you see them and instruct them how to deal with issues. Teach them to take ownership and care for the contents of the buildings. 2. Delegate Many pastors and pastor’s families become the default maintenance and cleaning crew! While we are more than willing to do these jobs, they can quickly become all-consuming and cut into family, outreach, study, and resting time. Learn to delegate—don’t just let everyone do what everyone wants, rather develop plans and procedures and then implement them into the ministry. Remember, you cannot delegate effectively until you have taught thoroughly! 3. Remind Without question, during the past building project God did many wonderful and miraculous things on your behalf. Don’t forget these things, and often remind the people as you are enjoying the benefits of your building about all that God has done!
PASTOR JASON STOEBERPastor of Grace Baptist Church in Goldsboro, NC ArchivesCategories |